Galaxy STAR
平素より株式会社Galaxy STAR(以下、「当社」といいます。)および当社所属タレントへの温かいご支援を賜り、心より感謝申し上げます。
- 根拠のない憶測または虚偽の情報を流布する行為
- つきまとい・待ち伏せ・押し掛け・うろつき等の行為
- 監視している等の告知など恐怖心を抱かせる行為
- 面会や交際を要求する行為
- 著しく粗野・乱暴な言動
- 無言電話、連続した電話、ファクシミリ・メール・SNSメッセージ・文書等の送付行為
- 恐怖心や性的羞恥心を抱かせる汚物等を送付する行為
- 生命、身体、自由、名誉または財産に対して危害を加える旨の告知行為
- 名誉毀損行為
- 性的羞恥心の侵害
- GPS機器等の電子機器を用いたプライバシー侵害行為
- 有害なコンピューターウィルスなどを含むプログラムの送信等をはじめとするその他サイバー攻撃に該当する行為
- 当社、当社関係者および当社所属タレントを装うなりすまし行為
- 「荒らし行為」などの営業妨害行為
- 法令、公序良俗に反する行為
- その他、当社およびタレント等に害を及ぼしえる一切の行為
Galaxy STAR
Community Guidelines
Welcome to Galaxy STAR.
We deeply appreciate your support for our company and our talents.
In light of the concerning rise in online aggression, which includes bullying and other harmful behaviors, we are dedicated to creating a safe environment for every member of our community.
We have established rules and standards of conduct. Please adhere to these guidelines when participating in our community.
1. Respect Everyone
- Treat all community members and VTubers with kindness and respect.
- Offensive comments or behaviors based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or personal beliefs are unacceptable.
2. Engage Positively
- Encourage and support your favorite VTubers and fellow fans through positive interactions.
- Negative remarks, spam, and disruptive behavior undermine the community experience and are not permitted.
3. Ensure a Safe Environment
- Keep personal information, both yours and others’, private within the community.
- Honor the privacy of our VTubers’ personal lives apart from their public personas.
- Refrain from engaging in or advocating for illegal activities.
- We have a zero-tolerance policy for hate speech:
- This encompasses any discriminatory remarks or behaviors towards individuals.
- Homophobic, biphobic, and transphobic comments are strictly forbidden.
- Statements that are Islamophobic, antisemitic, or defamatory toward any religion or personal belief are not allowed.
- Avoid using obscene language.
- Do not harass our VTubers.
[Prohibited Activities]
Observing any of the following behaviors will prompt us to take necessary measures to safeguard our community, including potential legal action:
- Spreading baseless rumors or misinformation.
- Engaging in stalking, ambushes, gate-crashing, or purposeless loitering.
- Intimidating others or creating a climate of fear through surveillance or similar activities.
- Demanding unwanted interactions, meetings, or personal relationships.
- Using language or behaving in a way that is severely offensive or violent.
- Making silent or repeated phone calls, or excessively sending faxes, emails, social media messages, or documents.
- Mailing obscene materials that invoke fear or sexual shame, and breach decency.
- Threatening someone’s life, physical safety, freedom, reputation, or property.
- Committing slander or libel.
- Violating sexual decency.
- Invading privacy with GPS trackers or other similar devices.
- Launching cyber-attacks, including distributing malware such as computer viruses.
- Misrepresenting oneself as our company, its affiliates, or our talents.
- Conducting disruptive behavior, such as trolling, that interferes with our operations.
- Breaking laws, disturbing public order, or contravening societal norms.
- Any other actions that could adversely affect our company, talents, or related parties.
Breaching these prohibitions may lead to immediate expulsion from the community and subsequent actions if needed. We are resolute in enforcing these rules to protect all community members and VTubers.
Should you encounter any inappropriate behavior, please report it to our company.
We earnestly ask for your ongoing understanding and cooperation in cultivating and maintaining a community where our talents and supporters can interact and delight in a secure and rewarding environment.
Thank you for being an integral part of Galaxy STAR!